605 2022-09-30 03:56:34
No matter what you think of McDonald’s, their new campaign to conjure some loving is pretty darn sweet.
Beginning February 2, the day after the Super Bowl, and running through Valentine’s Day, every McDonald’s restaurant in the US will be giving random visitors free meals if they agree to perform a random act of lovin’ in the store, such as hugging the one you’re with, or calling your mom to show you care。
从2月2日——就是“超级碗(美国国家美式足球联盟年度冠军赛)”的第二天开始,直到情人节当天,美国的每家麦当劳将随机抽取幸运顾客,如果他们同意在店里完成随机的爱意举动,比如抱一下和你的同行,或是打 *** 给你母亲表达你的关心,你就可以免单。
Playing up their slogan, “I’m Lovin’ It”, they already rewarded some customers for doing random acts of lovin’ for a new Super Bowl commercial that will melt your heart。
为宣扬他们的标语,“我就喜欢“,他们已经奖励了一些为新一届“超级碗”大赛商业 *** 做出随机的爱意举动的顾客,那会让你非常暖心。
“For your payment today, call up your mom and tell her you love her…”
“打 *** 给你的妈妈,告诉她你爱他,来支付你今天的大餐吧!”
One mother in the commercial, ordering a meal with her teenaged son, was asked to tell the cashier what she most loved about him. She answered, hugged him close, and left with a free order。
Winners don’t even need to be a paying customer. Each store will hand out 100 free orders during the two week period. The first person to walk through the door, even if they are only using the restroom, are deemed a winner when they agree to show some love. The manager will provide two Extra Value Meal coupons, instead。