2023年T8联盟高考仿真模拟卷4(四)英语 答案

2022-11-29 15:23:28





7. What will the woman do on Sunday?A. See a film. B. Visit a gallery. C. Feed pandas.




For those consuming Asian food, using chopsticks 56 (be) almost second____ ____nature. About 20 to 33 percent of people in the world use chopsticks 57 ________daily basis.Not all of those are disposable (一次性的) , 58 no doubt many____ ____are.Felix Bock, a student at the University of British Columbia, was eager to find a wayto recycle wood from construction projects, and he had a particular interest inbamboo. One day he found a drawer in his friend's house 59 (fill) with____ ____disposable bamboo chopsticks, and an idea hit him.He decided to give 60 second life to disposable chopsticks by making________them into home 61(decoration) or other accessories (配件) . He told the________idea to restaurant owners, 62 (convince) them to install recycling bins in____ ____their restaurants. He cleaned the chopsticks, pressed them into square pieces andcoated them with glue. The square pieces were then 63 (creative) arranged____ ____into household and office products. Bock's company, called Chop Value, hasrepurposed chopsticks into desktops, cutting boards and even table games.Since 2016 when the company 64 (found) , Chop Value has rescued billions____ ____of chopsticks from landfills. Instead of an economy of the typical take-make-disposemodel, Chop Value seeks to create one 65 transforms waste into a________usable resource.

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