2023届先知月考卷5(五)英语 答案

2022-11-29 00:40:44





A. Too much noise.15..When should students go to sleep?A.After 12 a.m.B.Before 11 p.m.C. At about 12 p.m


(Text 1) M:What can we do for you today, madam? W:Something is wrong with my car. Every time I start it up, it runs for about one minute and then dies. It hasenough gas and everything. What could the problem be? (Text 2) W:Listen!Somebody's playing the piano. M:Yeah, it sounds nice, doesn'tit?I wish I could play a musical instrument. W:Don't you play the violin? M:No, but my sister does. She's pretty good at it. (Text 3) M:Hi, Alice. I was wondering if you'd like to see the new comedy Lights Out tonight. W:Sounds great!When shall we meet? M:Ill pick you up at 7:30. The movie starts at 8. W:Great!Ill be waiting for you at my house. See you then! (Text 4) M:It's so hot today. I simply can't work. I wish there were a fan in this room. W:So do I. I'll fall asleep if I stay here any longer. (Text 5) W:A new bike has just been delivered to our house. Did you buy it? M:Oh yes!I bought it for our son's birthday. It is meant to be a surprise for him, so hide it somewhere first! (Text 6) W:What's that new movie like? Is it a drama? M:Kind of. This volcano suddenly comes up out of the ocean in San Francisco,5so this family is trying to getaway from it. It'sa good story, though. What I like most is the scenery. It's pretty scary and very realistic. W:Are the special effects any good?M:They're great!W:Does it have any famous actors in it?M:Not really. They really should have had better actors. The two stars are just soW:I think I should go and see it next weekend.(Text 7)M:A postman just delivered a parcel for you. I left it on your desk.W:Thanks. Does it say where it's from?M:It's from the UK.W:Cool!It must be the sweater I bought online three weeks ago. )-SC. But the music is great. M:Three weeks ago?Doesn'tit usually take just a week or so for something to arrive here from Europe unlessthe parcel got lost on the way? W:It was n't available when I ordered it. I had to wait for the shop to make new ones.M:Why did you order it from the UK?Can't you get it here in the US?


16.How many coins does the man have now?A.About 1, 200. B.About 2, 500. C.Over 5,000.

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