2023届高考分科模拟检测卷(2二)英语 答案

2022-11-17 16:05:23





阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小 的 数 求)Sun Shan was a gifted man in Song Dynasty. Everybody liked ham very much be x a use rwas not only know leduc abl c hu! asu humo to uOne day S ur San went to takc the ippeut(f 的) exam with afi low villa?r'sson.When the list with all thc names of the people who passed the exam was pui on t ne w a il.Sun Shan's name was on the list although it was list cd as the last one. Bu t he son of the fellowvillager's who went with him failed to pass the cx am,Soon af ucr Sum Shan returned home, his fellow villager asked if his son had passed theexam.Sun Shan was cm barrass ed (尴尬的) io say so, but he could not cheat him .Therefore her cad out two verses ( 节 ) that did not for m a p oem, "The end of Jieming is Sun Shan, andyour son camc after Sun Shan."Sun shan's Jic ming in his verses refers to the list of the peoplewho passed the cx am.The who lc m caning of his po cm is: the last one 6n the lis is m Sun Shan, but the name of your son is sti bc hind my name.'hy wa SunShan lkcd n Song Dynasty!(不超过 10个词)ho did Sun Shan go with to tak chc c x am?(不超过 “ )75.What did Sun Shan's answer m can?(不超 5词))




16.What does the woman dislike when it snows?A.Missing school. B.Losing electricity.C.Driving in the snow.

上一篇:2023届百万联考高三11月联考(2003C)地理 答案
下一篇:2023届湖北省高三11月联考(803C·HUB)英语 答案