全国名校大联考2022~2023学年高三第四次联考试卷(新教材-L)英语 答案

2022-11-16 09:18:15





14. Why did few people stop to listen to Joshua Bell playing?A.People were in a hurry. B.They were not interested in musicC.It was too cold in the subway.D.The per to rmance was not good c nough.




Although the wheelchair project was a 49 that my crafting might be imt____that my crafting might be important and relevant, I continued to550 bringing it up in professional spaces.My 51 didn’t change until one day when I felt restless and 52crating as an outlet. While put tngliquid into a m old, I 53 “injection molding"-a standard engineering manufacturing process. I suddenlyrealized that in the 54 sense, this art is not injection molding, but it shares the spirit and probably some55. Maybe my crafting was something I should hug rather than hide.Soon I saw more examples of 56 between engineering and craft that I had previously 57 .I saw how____crafting taught me not to quit when my product didnt 58 my initial vision and to consider the failed 59 asa learning experience, just as an engineer must.So I took up crafting again and also stopped 60 it from others.________P41.A. expensive B.hard C.ugly D.heavyA 42.A. originally B.surely C.previously D.embarrassingly43.A. metal B.tools C. wheels D. techniqueC 44. A. falling B.waving C.shaking D.breakingB 45.A. lucky B. confused C. right D.disappointedD46. A. ability B.hobby C.idea D.opportunityA47.A. relevant B.equal C.new D.similarP448. A. like B.develop C. abandon D.needA 49.A. chance B.hint C. possibility D.demand550.A. try B.keep C.practice D.avoid051.A.goal B. method C. attitude D.fateD552.A. referred to B.looked for C. held on D.turned toB 53.A. pointed out B.stared at C. thought of D. focused on54.A. medical B.social C.technical D.mental5.A. skills B.benefits C. examplesD. materialsD56.A. conflicts B. connections C. advantagesD. differencesB57.A. overlooked B. discovered C.used D. learned558. A. meetB.match C.suit D.improve

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