2023届广西名校高考模拟试卷第二次摸底考试英语 答案

2022-11-04 18:22:42





58.The great woman has achieved she wanted to do in the past few decades.____A.that B.what C.how D.whom


68.carelessly69.drinking 70.for 短文改错 Our school is going to organize the students to take part A a social practice activity next Saturday, whenwhichwe think is interesting and instructive. The purpose is to helping our students realize the value of labor andexperience the happiness of harvesting food. But we are planning to pick apples on a farm located in the suburbSoof our city. Wewill set off at 8:30 a.m. at the school gate and go by λbus. Upon arrive, a farmer willarrivalshow us how to pick apples and stay safely. We will have a picnic lunch here and return at 4:00 p.m. We'llsafe therewear a hat to protect yourself from the sun. We are supposing to bring a picnic lunch.ourselves supposed书面表达 One possible version:Dear Mike, I was very sorry to hear that your team lost the basketball match last weekend. It's understandable for youto be in a bad mood. However, if you can adopt different perspectives, the loss may be a blessing. First, it's normal to lose in a basketball match, for you can either win or lose. If you've tried your best,why not lift your spirits to face up to the result? Anyway, the essence of competition lies not in victory but inparticipation. Besides, you can also benefit from your loss by figuring out your strengths and weaknesses.Therefore , if your team endeavors to rise above(克服, 战胜) the disadvantages, you will win sooner or later. I hope you can find my encouragement helpful. Best wishes. Yours,Li Hua


17.What kind of music does the speaker like in winter?B.Rock n'roll.A.Jazz. C.Classical music.

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